What Is HLAA-NC?
HLAA-NC is a state association of the national nonprofit, Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). HLAA is the largest nonprofit organization in America supporting people with hearing loss.
HLAA-NC supports the people of NC with hearing loss, HLAA local chapters in North Carolina, related statewide agencies and nonprofits.
Anyone interested in hearing loss is encouraged to:
SUPPORT THE NATIONAL HLAA. When you donate to HLAA, you’ll be an HLAA member and receive their excellent magazine focused on consumer hearing loss issues, and you’ll be supporting the vital work HLAA does for everyone with hearing loss.
SUPPORT A LOCAL HLAA CHAPTER. Whether you support the national HLAA or not, you’re welcome to participate in an HLAA local chapter. That’s how you can connect with others interested in hearing loss. To get involved with a local chapter, just ask to be added to their email list so you can be invited to local chapter meetings and events. Local chapters are funded by donations and supported by the annual NC Walk4Hearing. Meetings may be remote via Zoom, in-person or both. You'll always be welcome at local chapter meetings and events. To see details about the HLAA chapters in North Carolina you can click on the links below, or in the menu.

Why Should You be an HLAA Member?
Don't let hearing loss isolate you from connecting with others. HLAA members develop life-long friendships with people who understand hearing loss challenges.
Hearing Life Magazine, web sites, newsletters, national convention, the Walk4Hearing and your HLAA friends will help you make the most of your hearing.
You can help HLAA advocate for all people with hearing loss. You can be an advocate yourself or serve on committees or volunteer with other related nonprofit organizations.
Hearing Life Magazine
If you support the HLAA national organization, you will receive the terrific Hearing Life magazine that includes articles that will be very meaningful to your hearing loss journey.
Hearing Life articles are focused on consumers who are interested in learning more about hearing loss ... getting better at it, and learning about technology, strategies and services that can help.

NC Walk4Hearing
North Carolina is one of many states that annually conducts a Walk4Hearing fundraiser. The NC Walk4Hearing takes place in Cary in October. It brings together hundreds of people with hearing loss or those supporting them, as well as organizations providing services or products related to hearing loss.
It's a happy day of meeting others, browsing vendor and nonprofit tables, and winning prizes in the raffle. People create teams or sign up to be walkers or donors to walkers. Join us next year. Make a difference for people with hearing loss.
Learn more about the NC Walk4Hearing.
There are many Walk4Hearing events each year across America. Find other Walk4Hearing events.

HLAA National Convention
HLAA holds a national convention each year. Conventions are great places to visit and renew friendships with other HLAA members, but you'll also be able to attend informative sessions about hearing loss topics, and there's a huge vendor area with many companies that provide products or services to people with hearing loss. These vendors will often demonstrate their new products and even let you try them. You can learn so much that can help you hear better.

The 2024 Convention took place in Phoenix, AZ
HLAA-NC Contacts
Please email Steve Barber if you have any questions about the HLAA-NC state organization. If your questions are about local HLAA chapters, click on the chapter link you're interested in and see their local contacts.
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